

In society, pedophile is percieved as the ultimate evil. Ironically, a person who only slightly molested a child without using any force is seen more repulsively than a person who murdered one.
Every society disapproves hurting little innocent children - and rightly so. By making the term "pedophile" synonymous with the term "child molester" and making equal "he is attracted to children" and "he molests children" (some people can't imagine these to be independent), society creates a monster, an insatiate pervert who knows no pity. Frankly, such an image is very convenient for the society for several reasons:

1. An easy target. Pedophiles are the very last group which we can ridicule, shun upon and kick. It is even advisable in society. As in Nazi Germany the Jews were not real human beings, but parasites of the society responsible for all the evil and misery, and was advisable to treat them as such, so a pedophile takes their place in todays society. Racism is lawless, homosexuals are also slowly becoming a part of the mainstream. There are only pedophiles left to direct our anger and hatred to. People do not want it do cease.
2. Media. For media, pedophile is a delicacy. The role of media today is not to inform fairly in the first place, but to raise emotions. Strong emotions = increased readability/watching TV = happy media owners. Pedophile (as a pervert molesting little children) fantastically fulfills this role. In todays world of emotionless dullness caused by never ending flood of "shocking", "tragic" and "scandalous" informations, molestation of children is one sure way to raise emotions. Moreover, if people can blame someone, spit on his face and judge him mercilessly, they feel morally higher. As crusaders against evil.
3. Conscience. Even the vilest criminal can see himself that he is not so vile after all. Whatever his actions, there is always someone beneath him - the pedophile. And this works for anyone. Whatever wrongs we cause, is is still nothing compared to what a pedophile causes (or wishes to cause). Whichever differences we may have, there is still one common enemy we can rely to.

For the mentioned reasons nearly every effort to present a different opinion about a pedophile (like that he is not necessarily a wicked monster and that he might be capable of love and responsibility) meets with a fanatical and bitter protest. People are somewhat capable of a limited sympathy for a pedophile who actually molested a child because he "couldn't control his urges", but feels sorry, is being treated by a psychiatrist, or even willingly castrates himself. It is because such person does not contradict their outlook of the world, where every pedophile is sick, can't control himself and he wishes to "purge the evil form him". The idea that there may exist a pedophile (or, god protect us, even a group) who doesn't suffer from an uncontrollable urge, loves children, meets them but never harm any single one of them, even if he had many chances, is something completely inadmissible. As if our concept of the world would have fallen down like a house of cards. That's more disturbing than some molested kid.
As if all the "good" and "bad" would mix together. What on earth would there be to trust to, if not in the pedo-monster ?...

I do not wish to generalize and say all the pedophiles are just the way I describe them, as well as not all members of the society are so prejudiced as it seems from my texts. Not, not all are. It would be foolish to idealize the pedophiles, as is foolish to demonize them. As I say, pedophiles are just human beings. I don't say there are not those, who genuinely love children and even so made wrong decisions. No human is flawless. And I doubt there is someone on earth who can honestly claim he never hurted an innocent person. We should judge everyone on their actions, not feelings. And we should measure them all equally.